Tarragon Garlic Wine Vinegar
This is the simplest recipe you could ever hope to find that also offers such complex and rich results. It is key that you begin with a good red wine vinegar, very fresh garlic and the freshest possible tarragon. And that’s it, just three ingredients.
Kim chose a vintage Cabernet Sauvignon vinegar from the Spanish Table in Santa Fe (see www.spanishtable.com):
Break the tarragon into sprigs (use about as much as this photo suggests):
Peel four large cloves of garlic:
Partially fill a glass container with red wine vinegar:
Drop in the garlic:
Place the tarragon into the container:
Fill with vinegar:
And voila! Tarragon Garlic Wine Vinegar:
Not so fast though… it has to age at least a month. I had some the other day that had been aged more than a year. Pure heaven! If your container is clear glass as this one is, you will need to both age it and store it in a cool, dark place. Wonderful in salad dressings.
Love to you all,
You show dishes that are quite tidy to look upon. I made a perfect omlette recently, and looked at with photography on my mind, but here it sat with some mushrooms falling out the side, a drool of cheese hanging from it, and decided to just eat it.
The one presented here is beautiful, and sounds quite delicious.