Nearly as quickly as I had arrived, it was time to leave the island—very bittersweet to be sure (See previous post You CAN Go Home Again). I was reminded of my teenage years when the end of the summer would come around and we would drive away from the beach for the last time that year. It was always, always hard to go and this leaving was no exception.
Mom and I had one more night together in Seattle and then we had to say our goodbyes as well (Mom lives in southern Oregon so we don’t see a lot of each other).
Then I arrived home to New Mexico only to say goodbye to Kathy who had done such a sweet job with my guys (See previous post What to do With Your Pets When You Go). None of us were happy to see her go I can tell you.
But life is like this, isn’t it? A constant state of change–leaving and arrival just a part of the natural flow. I have a life I love that I was blessed to come home to—the land, my animals, my friends, the gallery, painting, writing to you… And it was wonderful to get back, once the letting go had taken place. But leaving is always hard for me, no matter what. But thank the stars for arrival, leaving’s other side.
Love to you all,
And Happy Birthday to You Jeane! Thanks for sharing! Love ya girlfren!
Thank you dear. My birthday present to myself is a full day of painting! Starting soon. Love you back!