Ahhh, Sunday morning. I’m not sure why I love them so much, but I do. I think I did traditional work for so long, on that Monday through Friday schedule, that the weekends still feel special to me. They have always been a time to catch up on chores and responsibilities and a time to rest and restore.
Most of you have come through the whole shingles thing with me (see previous post An Antidote for Pain), so you know I’ve been sick for an extended period of time–4 1/2 months in fact. And most of you also know that I am always looking for the meaning in things–for the lessons that are being presented. And, of course, I have known that, with this illness, my body is trying to communicate with me. As I am coming, I think, round the bend toward healing, I am more able to listen.
I know a dear friend of mine in Massachusetts is going to get a laugh out of what I’m about to say next (although I also know it won’t come as any surprise to her), because I’ve been pushing this same message on her, knowing full well she already knows it as much I do. It’s not an easy lesson to learn, though, no matter how much we already know it. It’s going to require practice and patience and a sort of letting go.
My body is telling me to slow down, to take time to breathe, to stop even. And I haven’t been listening. Even through these 4 months of intense illness, I’ve kept up with the blog. Don’t get me wrong. I love putting together posts and the privilege of talking with you. But even though it is a labor of love, and it truly is, it is still a labor.
So, recognizing that I need, that my spirit needs, the space and time to simply ponder, to daydream, to feel, to think, I’ve made a decision to suspend posting the blog 7 days a week. Instead, I will post on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with the weekends off. And if that ends up not being enough, I may change it again.
I sincerely hope you will all stay with me. I don’t want to lose one of you. You’re incredibly important to me, in fact, and are the reason I’ve stretched myself so thin. I didn’t want to disappoint you. If you are concerned about losing touch, you can sign up, on the blog, for immediate email updates every time I publish a post. You’ll see the option to do so just under the main header, in the right side bar.
Because I’m posting today, on Sunday, I’ll skip tomorrow’s scheduled post and pick up again on Wednesday.
It is my hope this change will go a long way toward helping me heal from shingles. And it will also be interesting to see what effect, if any, it may have on my writing. Maybe I’ll even get into the studio to paint again.
There is a wonderful cartoon by Berkeley Breathed, one of my favorite cartoonists. It was part of his “Dog Appreciation Month” series. In it, Steve, a lawyer, carrying his briefcase and wearing a tie, comes upon a dog sleeping on its back in the sun, in a batch of periwinkle. He spends several frames berating the dog, saying, “… That is why man is the moral superior to animals! Oblivious to any notion of ‘the future,’ the beast dumbly dozes his life away naked in the periwinkle! Hey! Get a job! Get a mortgage! Get some bonds… Get goin’ on that info highway! … For cryin’ out loud… yer gonna croak. Hurry up and get some stuff!!” To this the dog continues to dream and snore. The final frame finds the lawyer, having seen the insanity in his own words and the wisdom of the dog, lying with the dog, naked in a patch of periwinkle, in the sun.
Wishing us all our own version of periwinkle.
See you on Wednesday.
Love to you all,
That dear friend is not laughing. She is smiling and breathing a sigh of
relief, imagining you giving yourself some room to heal, to breathe, to
paint, to contemplate, and–yes, of course–to blog! All in balance. If
I may be so bold, I think I speak for all who are devoted readers and
friends in saying, “We’re with you, now and always!”
Thank you so much, Kathy. You and I have talked often about the trials of finding balance and taking good care of ourselves. I’m still rather amazed at how difficult it is to put something into practice that I already understand and believe and support. I can’t tell you what it means to have you as a mirror showing myself to me. And thank you, too, for patiently being there as I seek to find a balance that will, once again, afford me time for my friends.
AND our own version of ‘naked’! Be well- take care.
Made me laugh out loud Diane. Yes, of course, AND our version of naked, indeed.
What a great idea… all the way around! See you Wednesday and hugs to the kids!
Thanks Joy P. Back at cha. Kelee sends kisses.
So good to hear you will slow down a bit Jeane, and kick those nasty shingles to the curb! I, for one will happily stay tuned for Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Thank you so much Terry. Shingles and I are having a little “face time,” shall I say. And they are being uninvited from my life. So happy you’ll be there for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thanks!
I think this is a great idea! With this new schedule, I’ll be better able to keep up :o)
What a very lovely perspective, Kim. You always have a special way of seeing. Thank you for that.
to my ears……creating a work/life balance. Isn’t this something we all long for? “Maybe
I’ll even get into the studio to paint again.” Take heed…go for it, Jeane, and do what you need to do…we’ve got your back! xox, JM
What a very sweet note, Julie. Thank you. Yes, creating that work/life balance we all long for. Let me see what I can do with that. In the meantime it feels wonderful to know that you all have my back. I’m touched by the thought. Truly.
I am amazed that you post every day! I know it takes a lot of creative thought/energy to post only a few times a month like most blogs do….. I am glad you are taking time for yourself – it sounds like you very much need it. I will miss your beautiful words and photographs but will look forward to those days that you do post….- And – I will be extremely interested in your paintings – so a bonus for me….
Thank you so much, Luisa. Well, it could come to that–just a few days a month–maybe one day per week. We’ll see what it takes for me to find balance. I really would like to get back into the studio and I’ll let you all know when I do so you can see the results of my efforts.
Even 3 times a week can be a strain so please be kind to yourself and take all the time you need to heal and we will look forward to new posts when they happen. Of course your daily posts will be missed but what is most important is that you get better and feel strong enough to paint again.
Thank you Robyn. Yes, I’m already discovering that even 3 days can be a lot. Let’s see how this all shakes out. But, while taking my afternoon walk with the dogs, I began to see possible paintings dancing in my head. It’s been a long, long time.
I’ve been off the grid for a few days so am just catching up. Glad to hear about Finn.I was worried that nut-job poisoner might have gotten to him.
You’re oh so right about the work week syndrome. I find that now that I’m not working, I have to remind myself it is OK to do things on Wednesdays as well as the weekend.
Also wise, I think, to let yourself breath, so to speak. It can only help the healing.
Yes, it was a very hard decision for me to make because the blog has become a very important part of my life. But, while I’ve been sick, I’ve seen myself limiting everything else–day-dreaming time, friendships, naps, walks, health, painting, to post 7 days a week. As I begin to get caught up on correspondence, the decision feels good.
Good for you:-) I can’t imagine posting daily for a blog…relax, and go with your own flow. Post when there’s something truly, to say. In the meantime, do anything else, no regimen, and everyone understands:-)
Thanks Terri. I may cut down even further on the number of days I’m able to post. I need to wait and see how this change feels for a bit. But I do think I have to hold onto a schedule just to keep myself focused–and to help you all know what to expect.
I’m so glad you are taking care of yourself and listening to the messages coming to you. Be well, love the critters.
Thank you so much, Dawn. I still haven’t dealt with the High Road membership yet. I’m sorry but it’s amazing how just one more thing becomes too much. I see the deadline’s been extended. If we could connect once I’ve dug out a little bit more? I’d sure appreciate it.