For those of you who aren’t familiar with Adam Wimsatt yet, he is the techno brains behind the blog (How the Blog Was Born). Put simply, the blog wouldn’t exist without him. There’s no way I would ever know how to do what he does, period. End of story, quite literally.
Adam lives in Albuquerque (2 hours south of Truchas) and this is only the third time, in working together for a year and a half, that we’ve met face to face (Adam Finally Makes It to Truchas, NM). Ah, the digital age, right? Since it’s such a long drive each way, getting together is a full day commitment (I’d like to say, here, how grateful I am to his dear wife, Deanne, for graciously enduring all the time he spends with me on this project—in person and on the phone—THANK YOU DEANNE!). We accomplish so much online and on the phone. Adam can even take over my computer from his desk in Albuquerque, and work with me sort of hands-on in that way. So we only get together when there’s a real need.
The reason for this visit was my new computer. My old desktop got to the point where it was too old to communicate with the blog anymore. There were major functions I could no longer do, like uploading the photos on a post. I tried using my laptop, but the screen was so small it made it very hard to do any photo editing. So my old machine (about 10 years old now) had out lived its usefulness, having served me very well, I might add. I had no choice but to invest in a new one. But the prospect of setting it up gave me pause (to say the least). So Adam offered to come do it for me (THANK YOU ADAM!). I also bought a new printer. I’ve been living without one for over a year. And he hooked that up for me too.
And oh my gosh, it was even complicated for Adam! There’s absolutely no way I would have been able to do this project on my own. For one thing, my computer was so old that we couldn’t use the usual transferring software. Of course Adam figured a way around that but, my oh my, what a job! It took all day and he’s still coming back in two weeks to finish up. We even had to get in the car and go borrow some WiFi equipment and cables from the gallery.
Adam also wanted to meet in person to discuss an iApp we’re developing. We’re creating an interactive map of the High Road, to be used on iPhones and iPads, featuring galleries, studios and attractions, that will link to all the stories I’ve done about the various places. So stay tuned for that. We hope to have something ready by the first of July, but there’s a lot of work to do.
Of course it’s a pretty big event when Adam comes to Truchas so Anna and Bill came over for dinner. Anna came early to help, which is always fun. We cooked upstairs while Adam worked away downstairs in the studio. We’ll have another gathering when he comes up in two weeks, of course. THEN, in two MORE weeks, he’s bringing Deanne up and we’re not doing any work. I’m going to thank her (and him) by giving them both a personal tour of the galleries and studios on the High Road. Can’t wait for that! And you know I’ll be taking you along.
Love to you all,
NEATO…I love techno-geeks.
Where would we be without them, right?
Yeah, I know Adam and call him AWESOME! Aunt Alma
I agree with you wholeheartedly! Are you his aunt who rescues dogs?