I found this on Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes’s facebook page. Who knew such a stunningly remarkable being was on facebook?! Ah, the beautiful, lovely age of the internet.
Dear Brave Souls: I think of this as directions, spiritual directions, to determine, if in question, who is a good teacher.
Long ago, thousands of years ago, people on their spiritual quests observed that some things are full and some are empty, though both speak.
If I speak with the tongues of men
and of angels,
but do not have love, I
have become a noisy gong
or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy,
and know all mysteries
and all knowledge;
and if I have all faith,
so as to remove mountains,
but do not have love,
I am nothing.
And if I give all my possessions
to feed the poor,
and if I surrender my body
to be burned,
but do not have love,
it profits me nothing.
This poem is found also in the ancient writing called Corinthians (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). It is a map for how to develop as a teacher, and how to assess also, whomsoever one learns from. I love this poem for it says, do not be taken off even by those who speak “angelic” jingo, even if they can ‘see’ the future and wow us, even if they know the mysteries by heart, and have seeming ALL knowings, and such faith that if they command: “Mountain! Move! Because I say so!” and the Mountain then moves…
Even if people/teachers do good works, and follow holy ritual…. even all of these things… this poem says, pass on by, pay no attention if also that person who does ALL these things, does not have a basis in their heart of true Love—not perfection—but the basis of Love as the fire that funds actions.
May it be so insofar as possible for we imperfectly perfect beings, that we strive to be a resonant gong, beautiful cymbal, reverberating bell…struck by the Hammer of Love.
This comes with love and with peace,
And love to you all from me,
This article was useful when looking for:
- https://high-road-artist com/9393/wisdom-wednesdays/clarissa-pinkola-estess-spiritual-directions/ (1)
I had found her on FB the last time you mentioned her…thanks for reminding me!!!
She is well able to allow great intellectual messages of soulful information come forth:)
And she’s also an amazing story teller.