Here is an opportunity for New Mexico artists I thought you all might be interested in:
A Symbol of Heart and Hope
by Suzanne Barteau, El Defensor Chieftain
Since it was first built in 1615, San Miguel Church has stood for 398 years at the center of Socorro. Now the church’s Quadricentennial Committee, co-chaired by former county commissioner Rosie Tripp and former city tourism director Deborah Dean, is seeking a design that can stand at the center of a campaign to bring attention to the church’s year-long 400th anniversary celebration in 2015.
The committee has put out a call to artists to design a logo that can be used on everything from postcards and lapel pins to posters and street banners, with a $500 prize for the winner. “We have some elements in mind that we’d like to be included,” Tripp said. For example, there needs to be some sort of representation of the historic adobe church that serves as a cultural icon for Socorro and the surrounding area. Other elements that are equally important are references to El Camino Real, the royal highway from Mexico traveled by Spanish explorers north into the interior of the land; the Rio Grande; the dates 1615-2015; and the nine churches of the San Miguel Mission. A design feature that represents patron saint San Miguel, said to have appeared as a winged angel with shining sword at the door of the church to protect the townspeople during an Apache raid in 1800, would also be considered appropriate. Other elements could depict Spanish Conquistadors and the Piro Indians who were the area’s original inhabitants, or suggest aspects of the local natural landscape such as plants, animals and mountains.
One very important feature of the logo will be the phrase “The heart and hope of Socorro,” or, in Spanish, “El corazon y la esperanza de Socorro.”
San Miguel’s Father Andy Pavlak said he hopes word of the contest will inspire submissions by professional artists from near and far, but he’s not ruling out the possibility that the winning entry will come from a gifted amateur or high school student. Ideally, all entries will be camera-ready and set up for four-color printing, he said. When it comes to choosing the winning logo, Pavlak said the committee would invoke the help of San Miguel in prayer. They hope to choose a logo that captures something of the heart and soul of the community. “We think we’re going to recognize it when we see it — that we’ll feel it in our hearts when we have the right one,” Tripp said.
Selecting the logo is an important and necessary first step in preparing for the celebrations, Pavlak said. It will serve as an instantly recognizable symbol of the church’s 400-year history, and will appear on all correspondence and printed materials, as well as commemorative items and advertising. The Quadricentennial Committee is accepting logo designs until March 1, 2012.
They can be submitted electronically to They can also be mailed to the church at 403 El Camino Real, Socorro, NM 87801, or hand-delivered to the San Miguel Parish Hall. All submissions should include the artist’s contact information. For more information about San Miguel visit out their website: San Miguel Catholic Church.
Good luck to you all,
Good luck all…stay open and the spirit of the San Miguel Catholic Church will send its visual energy message to you:)
A lovely sentiment, Grace, and true also. Thank you!