Over a year ago, two Septembers past, Adam Wimsatt and I started this blog (see previous post How the Blog Was Born). It is stunning to me how quickly time does indeed fly by, but here we are at our 300th post. I can’t help but be sentimental about it. So much has happened in this year plus. The blog truly has taken on a life of its own. You all have found it and added your voices; given your energy, and in doing so, you have shifted it’s tenor.
When I sit down to write each day, now, I’m writing to you. In the beginning you were just an idea—a hope we held that people might one day find us and respond to what we have to offer. But here you are and you’re very real.
I am continually blown away by the messages I receive from you via the blog itself, the High Road Artist Facebook page, or by email. Your stories have inspired me and kept me going. Rarely, since the very beginning, have I felt that Adam and I were alone in this endeavor.
While we may not necessarily share the same dreams, you have written to confide yours to me. You’ve talked about your fears; where you’re stuck, how you break free, or not. You’ve entrusted me with your struggles, your desires, your questions, and something very precious: your stories. It is a rare privilege and I am grateful every day. Thank you.
Most of you have read the Conversation posts (see Kate’s Story) about Kate’s struggles to leave her old life behind; to enter into the work she believes she was born to do—to create a writing life for herself. These conversations were a remarkable gift from a very private individual who was willing to step away from her need for privacy in order to allow the rest of us to witness her transition—her transformation. Many of you were moved to action by living with her through her process. Kate’s courage gave you courage in turn, an amazing thing to get to be a part of.
So many of you offered support when I took in a dog starved nearly to death (see previous post Rescue Dog: Meet Finn (Survivor)). Over 18,000 of you watched his first video. But more importantly, you reached out to me in those difficult initial days and nights, offering encouragement and belief. That meant the world to me and it kept me going through the two-hour feedings, around the clock, and the inevitable dog fights as my crew adjusted to another alpha male in the house.
Many people fret that the digital age is somehow a danger to our connection as human beings—that technology runs the risk of depersonalizing our lives. But I don’t see it that way. I see a remarkable communication tool that allows people who have never met face-to-face to touch each other’s lives, sometimes in deeply profound ways. I believe we haven’t even scratched the surface of these new possibilities that are right here before us. We just can’t know, yet, where this all is headed.
This blog is now a community. We are forming relationships that are different from anything I’ve ever considered. Who knows? One day we may be able to say that we were pioneers in this new frontier; that we helped pave the way of CONNECTION through technology, rather than the feared disconnect.
I am continually amazed that you are here, and I am grateful every day that you share this journey with me. Many blessings to you in gratitude for your open hearts.
Love to you all,
I concur:) I adore the possibilities that hi tech allows us as humans to actually realize the fact that distance is just an idea and that Qi or energy moves not in linear motion but in real time everywhere at once:) We are indeed just at the tip of the iceberg with holding that as the truth once and for all. So much is written by sages of ancient wisdom – as it has always been true. We are seeing human technology prove it in visceral ways every day. I look forward to only more and more consciousness raising use of these material tools showing us the deeper lessons:)
I love you:)
What a cool perspective! I hadn’t thought about the internet in that way but, of course, you are exactly right. No wonder it has so much to offer in terms of connection.
I love you, too.