There are certain landmarks in my New Mexico life, landmarks from my walks through the land grant out to the llano, and those I see from my house and yard, that captivate me. It occurred to me recently that I am compelled to photograph them over and over again, throughout the different seasons, different times of day, different light and moods. Even when I try to resist, I still shoot them. I decided that these photographs of the same subject, shot at different times, offer an interesting “portrait” of change within a constant and I wanted to share them with you.
I began this series with a copse of trees that was probably the first landmark of my New Mexico life (see previous post Landmarks of My Life in New Mexico). I chose, for the second in this series, an open pastureland, carved from the forest centuries ago. I view this pasture from the land grant and the llano, so you will see, as I do, this lovely space from several different vantage points.
Love to you all,
Thank you….thank you……….
It’s truly my pleasure. Since you can’t come to New Mexico right now, I’m happy to bring my small piece of it to you.
It’s funny but while on vacation I too remember the feeling of having to capture the beauty of the N.M. as much as I could. It is so overwhelmingly beautiful, I would stare in awe. And those photographs I took over 10 years ago still remind me of those feelings, as if it were yesterday.
Every single day I am in awe and it’s not just how beautiful NM is. This land really is enchanted. Like all human beings, some days I get scared–this artist’s life I live doesn’t offer much security–but before I know it, something catches my eye and my heart and I am transported from fear to awe. Pure, simple, magic. A blessing.