Awhile back I did a Wisdom Wednesday quote from William deBuys’s wonderful book, The Walk, about coyotes. Cindy Morris Saenz Baltazar, a reader of the blog from the very beginning, said that it would be great to hear the coyotes as I do from my land. So I decided I was going to record them for the blog. Not as easy to do as I’d thought, I’m afraid. The minute they hear/sense me or the dogs they shut up. And the dogs go on alert if I grab the camera and head outside.
But I thought I had them tonight. I was out on the deck taking photos of a beautiful storm coming in when they took up a howl. So I turned on the video recorder on my camera. Unfortunately, there was a lot of wind noise in all of the first recordings rendering them useless.
The next problem was that the boys were outside and they decided to take off after the pack. Of course that shut down my recording! I called them back and Kelee came, but we had to go out on the land grant to retrieve Finn. Luckily, with a little coaxing, he came too. But all of that yelling for the dogs silenced the coyotes.
However, just as we arrived back at the house, the chorus took up again. Finn was right by me so I grabbed his collar. I told Kelee to stay and he did, so I turned on the video camera to catch the coyotes’ song. It was going well for a few seconds until Finn pulled out of his collar and took off after them. I turned off the recorder and screamed at him to come back. Amazingly, he did. And Kelee STAYED! GOOD DOGS! I hustled them inside and recorded a little more from the house.
So I have a very short recording to offer you, but I thought it might be pretty cool anyway. Here you go, Cindy—a pack of coyotes singing in the northern mountains of New Mexico—just for you…
Love to you all,
Thank you for the special treat of hearing the howling pack. Not sure how the boys are able to contain themselves at all. Thanks again Jeane! Joy
You bet! It was fun to share. Actually, the boys wouldn’t contain themselves for long without some real “alpha” posturing from me. It’s good practice! 🙂
Dear Jeane,
Thank you soooooo much for that post!!!! That was spectacular! That is so neat that you can hear them from your place where you live! They almost sound like a bunch of baby ones howling away! Thank you for remembering me and for not giving up on the task for it means alot to me. What a splendid sound to hear, wish I could keep this post forever to listen to now and then. Actually I think I will try and see if maybe I can download this page. Will let you know how it goes! Bless you for this, Take Care, Cin =)
P.S. I have some much needed catching up on reading your blogs to do. Been busy cleaning up my e-mails for I had over 300! I had a lot to read through. Busy reader of nutrition along with your blog. Need to learn to prioritize my time better for I get behind with everything I have to read. I love it though…all the reading…just need more time! LOL
Hi Cindy–
I’m glad you liked the post! We’ve had lots of rain lately and the coyotes have been singing their lips off! I think they’re feeling the bounty of all that life-bringing water. I know now, though, to just enjoy listening to them and not try to record them. It sort of spoils the mood.
So glad you were able to download it to your files. You can also always find it on my YouTube channel.
Also glad you like the blog update. Adam worked very hard getting that done.
Just read the blog whenever you have time. That’s what it’s there for–no pressure! 🙂
Well it worked, I was able to download it to my files! Now I have it for when ever I want to hear those lovely coyotes and feel like I’m right there by closing my eyes…picturing it…and listening! Thank You again! Cin =) By the way I love the new blog update…your very renowned now! (more than before) =)
Amazing! I did not imagine they actually “sang” like that … I imagined the western cowboy shows of the past where they howled…ouuuuu ouuuuuuuu ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu, at the moon.
Is that idea of them howling in unison just pretend?
NEATO to hear them for REAL.
Thanks, it sounds like it was quite a bit of work to get it accomplished with your dogs wanting to get involved:)
Well, it’s interesting you should pose that question. This is, mostly, what my pack sounds like–sometimes louder and more raucous than this, but basically the same. Then there’s one coyote (I wrote about him in Morning Light With Coyote) who was injured when he was very young and abandoned by the pack–very sad. Except that he made it! But it’s as though nobody taught him how to sing so he has this very distinct voice. I always recognize him and he used to be always alone. Even so he didn’t make that movie coyote sound that you describe–more of a joyful yapping. Some happy news now is that he is reunited with the pack. Yay! (And his voice STILL stands out) BUT the reason it’s interesting that you bring up the movie coyotes is that I was awakened last night two or three times because the coyotes were just going nuts (I never mind being awakened by that beautiful, wild sound) and I consciously noticed that parts of the song were different. There were stretches when it seemed they were howling in unison–your classic ouuuuu ouuuuuuuuuu ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. It’s the first time I’d heard that here and then you asked this specific question. Perhaps they were performing for you?
ohh I like that idea:) I would be so honored to be serenaded by the lovely creatures of your land:)
I’ll let them know before you come to visit so they can be tuning up.