You all know how desperately we have been wishing for rain. Well, I am happy to tell you the monsoons have arrived! Some of you may not know that we are a monsoon climate up here in Truchas, NM, and summer is our rainy season. It started very late this year but we are now, finally, getting gorgeous thunder storms most every afternoon, bringing with them plenty of much-needed rain.
The forests, which were closed to all human activity, are reopened. We are all breathing a sigh of relief and the air is filled, not only with rain, but with celebration also, and not just from we humans. This land that has patiently waited is reaping the bounty the rains bring. Sunflowers have popped up all over my property. Grace Kane, a reader of the blog has said about them, “… they are so eager to BE.” So it is that we celebrate together, the people, the land, the things that grow, the birds and the beasts. We are joined in so many ways. Our need for water is just one.
I am reminded of a line in a song from a musical I saw in the 60s: “The hills are alive with the sound of music…” and, indeed, they are, and with the sweet nectar of the rain.
Love to you all,
Beautiful CLOUDS!! Toys of the nectar Goddesses of the sky:) Wonderful photos Jeane:) I wish I was there for the flowering sandy soiled gifts.
I am there vicariously by your presence in the beauty of New Mexico…aaahhhhh thank you:)
So glad you joined me, Grace. It’s storming again right now, this very minute. Wish you were HERE here.
There is so much in this writers words:) Wonderful images of rain all sewn together… “The drops of first rain of the season touched my heart and I got a tingle which suddenly made the life inside me laugh with joy. The sound of water reminded me of my childhood when there were no worries in life and we used to play in the water nonstop. We used to jump on the roads, on terrace with fun and in the middle of crowd watching us. Now we have become that crowd and there are new buds that are enjoying the rain. I thought these plants and trees are so lucky that they get the joy of new birth every year in the rain whereas we get the chance of enjoying the freshness of childhood only once in life and after it is gone we cannot become child again. There was a ground where I could hardly see any grass and children used to play on the rough surface. But today it was looking fresh green and with water waves flowing in between them. Children were still enjoying the same ground but today with a new excitement. I watched the sun peeping through the clouds and felt like playing with it. The way it hid itself behind the cloud and after some time shows itself again with a foggy glow because of the smoky weather. The same sun which was hot and harsh has suddenly turned into a soft glow and gave a soothing feeling. It also gave us different shades of its glow through every lining of the clouds floating over it. I felt the same freshness in the breeze and on the earth which must have been there when God created this planet. It appeared as if God has given us a beautiful home with freedom of enjoying it and spoiling it as well. And now that we have had enough of tampering with it, he is pouring water to clean our mistakes. We are so lucky that he is giving us one more chance to see the same beautiful earth which was there before we spoiled it and we have this luck every year. Like someone said “Light comes after darkness” in the same way joy comes after sorrow, rain comes after heat, life comes after death. Yet we talk more about one part rather than enjoying the second part fully. You may say this is just a season but just watch the beauties it brings with itself. The heat is gone, new lives have sprouted, streets have colors with umbrellas adding to its beauty, children play in water making the scene more lively, the sun mellows down to give its peaceful shades, the groups of different shades of clouds makes a soft blanket for us and there are many more unsaid and unheard wonders which can bring us joy. I closed my eyes to see and hear these wonders through my inner eye which is not overshadowed by the biases created by Humans and I could see the aura of God and hear the sound of its solace which gave me the feeling of my own voice of my own lost soul.” Pooja Dubey Srivastava
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I am overjoyed by the millions of different expressions and experiences we all get to share. Art, in all its forms, like this piece here, reminds us of our vast connectedness. Thank you, Grace.