This was sent to me by a reader of the blog, Grace Kane. I really love it and believe it absolutely, so I wanted to share it with you all. She didn’t remember its author:
Most upset is derived from our unwillingness to accept or release something. Like holding water, the tighter we grasp the less we have.
Often the intense energy we expend clinging to something is the single greatest obstacle to our good. We greatly improve our lives and results by letting it go.
Letting go does not mean giving up. It means that we take our frenetic, chaotic energy out of the picture and release our attachment to the outcome.
If you believe in a force greater than you (God, Spirit, Universal Energy etc.), letting go is an act of surrender to the power responsible for beating hearts and suspending the planets in the sky, surely it can handle your concerns.
Love to you all,
Still sounds great to me:) Wonder where I got that….lol.
Yes, it’s a good one. Thanks for sending it!
Still sounds great to me:) Wonder where I got that….lol.
Very nice…thank you.
You’re welcome, Linda. We both have Grace to thank for it. THANK YOU GRACE!
This is a good one and I agree, very true! Thank you Grace for sharing it and Jeane for posting it for all of us to read. This one is definitely going in my journal as well. Thanks, Take Care, Cin =)
It’s nice that we all can share in this way. Pretty amazing, isn’t it?