I just watched a movie from Netflix that was unexpectedly inspiring called Morning Glory. In it a young woman was facing obstacles in pursuing her dream. Her mother told her that, at her age, continuing to believe had become an embarrassment. She continued anyway and, through it all, she found a way to be kind. Of course, this being Hollywood, it all worked out. But I do believe it can in real life, too. There is magic in believing and in kindness. The two combined are a powerful force.
People can be mean. They can take advantage. They can throw up impossible-seeming roadblocks. But if we continue, if we follow our own internal compass and we intend no harm, I think we can overcome even some of the harshest of situations. And we can realize our dreams—don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
There has been some conflict up here on the High Road lately. It happens everywhere where people come together, doesn’t it? But if we try to understand where the other is coming from, if we don’t react, if we consider and hold back, often equilibrium can be found again. There is the capacity for good and for bad in every one of us. Therefore, we need to give the other the benefit of the doubt as often as we can. Before we know it we’ll be needing the same consideration.
A friend of Truchas, one who no longer lives among us but is much loved, came to visit this last week. Her 70th birthday happened while she was here. Jan is kind, always. She carries light with her wherever she goes. She puts things into perspective. So, in spite of the freak snowstorm raging outside, we all came together—to celebrate her, to bask in her warmth, to be reminded that ego doesn’t win in the end and that love really is the answer.
Interestingly, I was looking for a synonym for the word “dream” just now and this is what the thesaurus offered: bubble, castle in the air, daydream, delusion, fancy, fantasy, hallucination, head trip, nightmare, pie in the sky, pipe dream, trance, vagary, wraith.
Then there were the antonyms: actuality, certainty, existence, fact, reality, substance, truth.
Is it any wonder we grow up believing that following our dreams is unrealistic and settling for less is responsible?
Please, please, follow your hearts, live your dreams, embrace kindness, forgive.
Love to you all,
I really loved this Jeane! I’m a dreamer…always have been. I’d be lost without my dreams. And yes, I agree, love is the answer.
What a wonderful compliment to your friend…”Jan is kind, always”. I cannot think of a better one. If someday, someone says that about me, I will be content that my life has had value.
Thanks Jeane
Thanks Kim! Yes, believing in and following our dreams, I believe, holds the answer to a life well lived.
Jan is such an inspiration. It’s as though loving comes naturally to her and kindness is her instinct. It’s no wonder we are all drawn to her.
I don’t know what adversity of emotions etc that have been cycling in your arena, but with love they are honest heartfelt exchanges that can be walked through as you have explained…so blessing to the on going adventure:)
As you know from conflict with your contractor, disputes can rise up out of nowhere. Here water wars and old family feuds bubble under the surface pretty regularly (the main themes in The Milagro Beanfield War) and petty human grievances can occur. But we are a small village, not unlike a family, so it is imperative that we all find ways to get along. It almost forces us to figure things out so that we can continue to live together from a place of respect and peace. As my friend, Bill Loyd likes to say, it’s all good.
Great post Jeane and I do believe as you do that believing in and following our dreams holds the answer to a life well lived! What do we have if not our dreams to be fullfilled. We should at all costs try to fulfill them in the sense of making ourselves feel that we accomplished something that just started out as a dream and then became an accomplishment, a finished chapter in our lives lived. It makes us feel a warmth in our hearts and a glow about us that shines for all to see. There is definitely nothing greater than to live our dreams, period! And please as said: Follow your hearts, live your dreams, embrace kindness, forgive for life is too short, so live by these statements and be fulfilled in life! Bless you all in Loving Care, Cin <3 =)
<3 should of turned into a heart =( but it didn't…oh well!!!!
Also sorry for your loss in Jan. My heart goes out to you all, Cin
Oh, no, no, no, you misunderstood, thankfully. Jan is still very much alive! She just no longer lives in Truchas. 🙂
Sorry about that misunderstanding. Glad to hear she is still alive and sorry your friend is no longer living in Trucas along with you guys! The happy little family of friends you have is so nice to have in life! I only hope someday I have something like that in my life. Take care, Cin =)
Jan is hoping to move back sometime and soon, we all hope. Yes, I wish a life like this one for everybody who wants it.
Understood. For some reason those symbols don’t translate on the blog 🙂
I think there is something almost inherent within we human beings that makes us want to live our truths. When we follow our hearts and honor that truth, something wonderful happens. But it’s never a straight shot. It’s challenging, as we’ve seen in the conversations with Kate. I believe the universe is built with systems in place to make us work for everything, for our dreams, for happiness, for love, because everything is so much more valuable when we walk through the fire to get it.
Very true and well said! =)
Thank you for this:
“Is it any wonder we grow up believing that following our dreams is unrealistic and settling for less is responsible?Please, please, follow your hearts, live your dreams, embrace kindness, forgive-It’s just what I needed to hear 🙂