I’ve been feeling stressed lately. I know you all can relate. In spite of the fact I love my work and it’s actually my dream to be doing this work, it has occurred to me recently that I work ALL THE TIME! You’ve heard the saying “all work and no play…” or better yet, “too much of a good thing…” Well, I’m there. It’s true that my work is also my play in some ways, but standing at the easel or sitting at the computer is NOT having mai tai’s with friends in Hawaii. You know what I’m saying? Yeah, I know you do.
But the other night I’d written well into the evening and was about to go to bed when something just grabbed me and I had to paint! It was late and it was dark, but I set everything up in the studio, put music on, and I disappeared. Time stood still. And when I “came back” to this reality I was flooded with such a sense of fullness and well-being, of utter and simple joy, that I could hardly contain myself. And I knew, in that moment, this is what my life is about. This is why I live.
I looked around me in wonder. The animals slept in their beds, everything physical was as I had left it, but I was changed. I was fully and completely alive. Present. Conscious. Happy to be. It’s as though Spirit tapped me on the shoulder and said, “See? This is it. THIS is what I mean.”
And I knew it wouldn’t last. The morning would come and I would feel pressured again and forget. And I did forget. Sort of. Not completely. Because my work has light in it now. And all the hours are a blessing again.
Over the last few days I’ve delivered eleven new pieces to my gallery, the wonderful Hand Artes Gallery here in Truchas. I videoed some amazing people for the blog. I had dinner with a friend and I’m writing to you.
Who really needs Hawaii or mai tai’s anyway?
Love to you all,
When you write about “disappearing” into your work, I am envious that you can go there and then have a wonderful work of art to remind you that you’ve returned to your reality…as your”animals slept in their bed” where you had left them, and upon your return, you were changed. Well, Jeane, your work, whether from a paint brush or a keyboard, has helped change our reality. What you are doing for the artists of Truchas and New Mexico is wonderful in sharing their culture and reality. I loved the comment from the woman who thanked you for sharing the studio where her friend weaves masterpieces, since she has never been there to visit. Of course, your photos are the icing on the cake, as well as the eye candy of Mother Nature’s art! Finally, your new pieces are lovely. Thanks for sharing. You are am amazing person.
Thank you, hon. It’s become a labor of love–the writing, picture taking and the painting. So glad you’ve been along for the ride from the very beginning. Turns out those pieces were transitional without me knowing it. A new series is being born as a result of them! I’m very excited and inspired. Thanks for staying in touch with the blog. I really appreciate it. Love and kisses to the boys (and a nose rub to little Twix).
I’m glad that you prefer what you do to Mai Tai’s in Hawaii for you are someone I would hate to lose! As I have told you before I look forward to that beginning of the week for what you are going to post in your blog; what new thing or someone am I going to learn about, what great place am I going to get to visit, or just simply hearing about your wonderful experience when you entered into that world of creating your art! I agree with Joyce you are an amazing person! I can relate to disappearing into your art for the same thing happens to me. Almost thought I would have that chance today but when I was going through my art supplies to get started I found that I needed more colors of paint than I had realized (especially white, the most important to me), so back to Michaels for more supplies I need to go. I’m one of those people (a perfectionist) that has to have everything needed before beginning. So instead I drew some more and got lost for a couple of hours doing that. (It’s a different kind of disappearance, more of a study of what and how I’m going to paint than when I’m actually painting/creating). Enough about that. What I want to say is that I just love the pieces of art you showed in your photo’s. I believe you said that they were your new pieces and you did a great job again of getting my attention. Love them!
I don’t remember you saying you looked forward to the beginning of the week to see what’s going to happen on the blog. THANK YOU! What an incredibly nice compliment. That makes me very happy.
Re: the whole perfectionist thing, you’ll find when you do The Artist’s Way that Julia Cameron addresses it as a way many of us stop ourselves from getting to our art. So just be careful with that, OK? But I’m glad you took the chance to draw some more. You didn’t let your perfectionism shut you down completely (I used to be a seemingly incurable perfectionist–reformed, now, I’m happy to say). I do want to say that I believe drawing IS creating, too, but I know what you’re saying: painting is your real medium, your true art. Me too.
I’m glad you like the new pieces. Thanks. They took me back to my roots and a new series is birthing because of them. Hmmm, maybe I’ll write a post about that.
Happy creating, Cindy, whether it’s drawing, painting, or just buying your art supplies!
I think I just told you that I enjoyed your blogs, so your correct about not telling you that I look forward to the beginning of each week. It must of well it was a thought in my head that I looked forward to each week that i thought I let you know about; well now you know and I’m glad I mentioned it to you so that you can feel that compliment for we all need compliments to make our day and I greatly mean it when I say I look forward to the beginning of every week to read your blogs!
Yes my perfectionism is something I need to work on for I can see how it can interfere with me starting my art! Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
Please do write a post about your new series and how you came about it; a birthing as you say.
Well until later! Cindy =) Here’s to CREATING!!!!!
And now I get that nice compliment two times in two days! Thanks!
I’m finishing up some writing and will be beginning the new pieces next week. I’m prepping canvases now (plastering and base-coating). They are “germinating” during this time–part of my process that I love. It’s the time before the pieces are born when they’re in the dark, moist “soil”, becoming what they’re meant to become. So I will take photos as I begin and, yes, I’ll write a post about them. Thanks for your interest.
And, yes, here’s to CREATING indeed!
Jeane Thanks, the paintings look great, Bill
Thanks Bill. The most current photo of the window sill shot didn’t get picked up, but I think it all works, too. Glad you liked it!
As I read this today, I hear the undulation through the cycles of our days and nights…creativity flowing while balancing many plates some days and other days full of pure joy of immersion. Seems no matter what we are doing, what ever our endeavor, we can find smooth surfing on the texture of life as it presents itself:)
Home and hearth are the bread of life for me I know personally, I love my cozy home and life. I truly have to try to stay open to what ever opportunities of growth and joy that I may miss if I close my eyes to them as well…
May we all be open to the opportunity to be in an entirely new place – either by seeing all things new each moment, and/or by stepping on to the soil of a new environment if that joy ride presented itself – a gift of letting go of patterns so as to appreciate coming home to them anew.
Many Many people love and adore your work and you bring much joy and sacred appreciation to all you encounter…I wish for you to always move as your soul desires, and guard to keep your heart happy in its daily chores so the responsibility of them do not weigh heavier than needed:)
May we all do what ever we do because of Love, love of our creative process.
I adore you.
Thank you Grace. Yes, peace is available to each and every one of us every minute of every day no matter what may be occurring in our lives. The balance is there to be found within. My life is a blessing and a joy–a privilege. I am grateful even in those times when I’ve let my head mess with me. It’s all part of that rich and beautiful whole–shadow and light, joy and sorrow, yin and yang. Pure bliss. Love you.