Some things just get old and cannot be fixed. What I call the platform for the blog, but what computer folks call the “theme,” is defunct. It can no longer communicate adequately with all of the updates that have taken place since the blog began in October of 2010. So Adam (the technical brains behind the blog) has uploaded it onto a new platform (or, in computer-speak, has enabled a new theme) so that it can function the way it’s meant to function again. I had lost my ability to respond to comments for instance.
So the look of the old blog, as well as some of its content, is gone and Adam won’t be able to customize this new theme and put everything back right now. What this means is that we won’t be looking like High Road Artist for awhile.
And I have to say the switch is hitting me harder than I thought it would. I’m feeling very sentimental about losing what’s been with me since the beginning. So I just couldn’t let this old version go without acknowledging it and expressing my gratitude to it for everything it has given this little blog community over these last four plus years. And I also want to welcome the slowly becoming “new” that has to be.
Then there is my dear friend, Adam Wimsatt, whose idea it was to begin this blog in the first place. He’s the computer geek who knew how to do all of the technical things that brought the blog into being and kept it technically alive through these years. And even though he’s moved on from New Mexico to Boston and has his hands full with his own work, he is willing to put in the time to bring the blog up to date and to get it running well again. It simply would fade away and gradually die if not for Adam’s hard work and expertise. Just saying thanks seems entirely inadequate but it’s all I have: Thank you, Adam!
And thanks to all of you, the loyal base that has stayed with me even when I’ve not been writing regularly. Your loyalty really does astound me and I am deeply grateful. Here’s to all of us, in an all new year, a gradually becoming new look for the blog, and whatever else 2015 may have to bring…
Love to you all,
I love the new banner and text:) Bravo!!
So this is not the new one complete, yet? I am thinking it looks fine…I will enjoy seeing any changes that happen:)
Yes, it’s just not customized yet, like with a photo of the mountain instead of a stock photo of food (at least it should be Kim’s, right?). But I’m very glad to know it looks fine to you as it is. That is a relief. Now all the changes are just “gravy.”
Thank you Jeane for all the love and passion you bring to this blog. When I read it I know I am nurturing myself. There is a poetic comfort the blog had visually, so I can understand your growing pains. Yes, please bring back those lovely Truchas Mountains. It sets the tone for our journey with you. Happy New Year
Ah lovely, “… our journey with you.” I like that very much, very much indeed. Thank you Krista! And the mountain header will be back soon-ish. In the meantime there will continue to be area photos within each post 🙂
And look, Krista, Adam was able to quickly put a photo of my own very special Truchas Peaks up on the masthead. THAT looks better, doesn’t it?
Hi Jeane, I am still seeing the food photo on the banner heading for some reason. I know it will look as yummy as ever when you are complete with it.
Hmmmm, I wonder why that is. I’ll have to check with Adam. But, yes, give us a month or so and we’ll be back to our softer look. But the mountain banner goes a long way to doing that. Wish you were seeing it. Perhaps Adam will have a quick fix.
Now that you have a new look for your blog…..I hope you will be posting more.I love reading your words and would like to hear more about your dogs and cat and let’s not forget Kim’s cooking!
Thank you, Sandra, I’m glad you’ve found something on the blog that suits you. Now that the technical glitches are being worked out, not to mention my own health, I AM thinking of writing more. Let’s see how I can fit it in with painting–a good duo to try for the New Year. But it is the catS, plural. I have FOUR, count ’em, FOUR kitties and three dogs. That should give me plenty to write about, right? And, yes, Kim’s exquisite cooking–he and I really need to coordinate something in the kitchen again soon. He’s been making some wonderful stuff. It’s unfair of me not to share it. Let’s just see what this magical New Year may bring, shall we?
Your writing is always so thoughtful, introspective and inspiring. Thank you for sharing and keeping the blog going….and thank you to your friend Adam for his support!
Thank you, Julee. My intention is to write more and post more on the blog in 2015. It really is a wonderful privilege to get to create in this way. I’m eternally grateful to all of you who receive what I’m doing and respond. I think without you it would just get to feeling like I was writing into some kind of a vacuum. And, yes, many, many thanks to Adam, without whom this site would have fallen apart years ago.
Dear Jeane,
I only just discovered your lovely blog, but I want to say how much I appreciate and enjoy it. Your writing is poignant and photography is excellent. I especially lovely reading about your fur family. I am so glad you have rescued animals in need. Looking forward to reading more,
Thank you, Esme, for your kind comments. I regret that I’m not writing much these days but I hope you’ll find something that appeals to you in the archives. Thanks for writing.