Everything I try to write (and I’ve been trying mightily to write a Christmas post for you all) comes out so shallow, so wrong, so completely unimportant.
When I was a little girl during the cold war, I used to dream of a world where, if there was trouble between two countries, the country’s rulers would meet on a hill and duke it out and leave the rest of us out of it. Of course we all know there will never be such simplistic solutions to humanity’s complex problems. There will never be a time free from warring, free of hatred or poverty.
But if I can have a Christmas wish it would be this: That we are able to find an acceptance of life in all of its meanness and love it anyway; that if we experience hardship we feel compassion for our sorrows.
Life will never be perfect or even consistently easy but, if only at Christmastime, might we take pause to dwell in its beauty, even for just one moment, and let our hearts be overtaken with simple and pure love. Because, “… love wins, love always wins.” –Mitch Albom
Wishing you peace.
Love to you all,
Thank you, sweetheart. May all know the joy of “being” while embracing whatever that entails on the surface of this life. XOXOX
Yes, indeed, Grace. Wishing you peace on the journey.
Very best wishes to you, Jeane – your photos speak worlds of stillness, peace and beauty.
Thank you, Sandy, and the best to you as well. I am very blessed to live on the land I do and am grateful every day.
Peace to you, Jeanne. Blessings to you and Kim. I know that time is an artifice self-designed to accommodate humanity, and yet, I always get excited at this time of year. Something new is coming! A new year that, at least in part, holds hope, healing, opportunity, and friendship. Peace and Goodwill, to you, your readers, and to all of Mankind. Let this Christmas Season deepen your spiritual walk, heal your body, and fill your life with Faith, Hope, and Love. A new year is just around the corner.
Thank you, Sherry. The very best to you as well. Happy 2015!
Hi Jeane darling! Thanks for your wonderful New Year greeting for 2015. I think of you every day as I greet all of my Weigel paintings of those I love so dearly! I thank you every day for these gifts. Merry Christmas to you, dear friend. Always, Joy
Merry Christmas to you my dear friend. I’m so happy those paintings have found their true and loving home with you.
Oh my, Joy, we’ve been having so many problems with the old blog platform! I replied to your comments but they, obviously, didn’t get posted. So here I am now. Merry Christmas to you as well and I will be eternally grateful that my paintings have found such a loving home. Happy 2015 dear friend.
PS I signed up again to get email notified when you post… I guess we have to update that from time to time because I thought I had already don it! Glad to hear from you kid.
I didn’t know that either! Glad you figured that out.
Well, actually, your communications alerted Adam and I to the fact that the old blog platform has become outdated and we have to completely re-suit it to another one. Happily Adam is still willing to do that for us (THANK YOU ADAM!) but the blog will look a bit generic for a month or so until he can get to it.
Wow. I am happy I said something. I almost just let it slide, but you know me! Go Adam. Go Adam. Go Adam!
Go Adam. Go Adam! Indeed.
Just catching up on the blog, Jean. Your message speaks to the beauty of being present to life as it unfolds. Mitch Albom’s quote reminds me of the artist Dario Robleto….”Love survives the death of cells” Happy New Year!
What a beautiful quote. Thank you Julee.