Although the sun has come out, showing this paradise in my favorite splendor–light glittering on snow, blue shadows, mountains covered in a white glaze, it is still bitterly cold, temps in the single digits at night.
We are all snug in this well-built, tight, home, with the wood bin full.
The birds continue to graze…
… and graze…
,,, and blissfully graze…
… completely unaware of this.
(Don’t worry, the birds feed on the opposite side of the house from the cat run so no one will get hurt). I use it as an example only. Life can be like this sometimes, often in fact. We can be cruising along suspecting nothing when trouble strikes. It’s just the way life is built, I think–the light and the dark, offering us lessons and tests sometimes and joy and wonder at others. As my friend and blog reader, Grace, would say, “It’s all perfect.” And it really is.
I got some bad news yesterday about dear Finn (see previous posts Rescue Dog: Meet Finn (Survivor), Rescue Dog’s Happy Success Story: Finn Thrives, and Rescue Dog Finn: A Love Story). I’ll try to write about it today to post tomorrow. I am determined he will live. He’s a very strong dog. But we would like all your good thoughts coming to him over the next several weeks, possibly months, of his treatment.
More about Finn’s next challenge tomorrow.
Love to you all,
You have them.
Thanks Rob.
YES…absolutely….thinking positive thoughts and sending love his way and yours!
Thank you Kim.
Sending love and light to Finn….xoxo
Thank you Julie.
Thanks to you, Jeane for being Finn’s mommy. My positive thoughts are surrounding Finn and you in white light.
Thank you mommy Joy.