I woke to the stillest of mornings, not a hint of breeze on the air, the purest silence, a day’s worth of fresh new snow on the ground. I hardly wanted to breathe for fear of disturbing such peace.
But there was a fire to refresh in the wood stove and, certainly, good coffee to be made, animals to snuggle and love and to wish a good morning.
And, of course, there is you to write to, to take photos for, to paint pictures of a life to share with you…
… because as much as some of us require and embrace solitude, the contemplative life, the still quiet of a high desert New Year’s morning, what do we have without each other? What is peace without shared laughter; beauty left all to ourselves? Thank you for being there; for listening and caring. Thank you for sharing some of your stories. And thank you for letting me share mine.
Here’s wishing us all the most beautiful, fulfilling, inspiring, nurturing, healthful, loving, peaceful, artful, meaningful, powerful, spiritual, tasty, delightful, truthful, embracing, productive, pleasurable, soulful, bountiful, examined, simple, courageous, free, supportive, creative, wise, belief-filled, blissful, intuitive, liminal, forgiving, wild, strong, hopeful, quiet, searching, growth-filled, restful, energizing, dream-filled, balanced, happy New Year ever.
Love to you all,
My daughter posted a New Years wish this morning that i have been thinking about all day, because at first I was not sure it was altogether right. After much thought I have to say I believe it is. At the very least, I believe it to be fair and just. What she said was that she wished that everyone in this new year get what they deserved.
In my experience many, many people do not ever receive what they are due even though they may have struggled a lifetime to achieve it, and conversely many receive much, much more than they have ever paid the cost for. To a certain degree, I must admit, I think I may belong to the latter group. So, I believe Susan to be right. For this new year may all who have struggled be rewarded and all of us who have been fortunate do what we can to earn what we have been given. Perhaps the world will become a better place.
Happy New Year.
While I don’t necessarily agree with the thought of ideas being “right” or “wrong,” or that any of us should be in a position to judge what is right or wrong (who chooses the judges?), I do enjoy the idea that those who have struggled get rewarded and those who are more fortunate work for their good fortune. Which is, I think, exactly what your daughter was saying.
Jeane, I wish you a year full of health, peace, joy, laughter and sharing.
Thank you, Laura. I wish the same for you. Happy 2013!