I almost never remember my dreams. I would be more likely to say that I don’t dream at all, but scientists have convinced me that we all dream, every single night, whether we remember them or not. There was a time, several decades ago and certainly when I was growing up, when I remembered. I don’t know what’s changed between then and now. But I do believe our dreams have meaning. I also believe they are a way for Spirit to communicate with us, and for us to communicate with ourselves for that matter. I think it’s one of the ways our souls get through to us.
So, as I was saying, it is extremely rare for me to even realize I’ve had a dream, let alone remember one. But the other night I awoke from a dream just as I had asked a question and received its answer. Here is the exchange, word for word (I got up wrote it down): “Do we go to find out what we fill? No, to find out what fills it up.”
Now, I KNEW this was significant because I was made to wake up right in the middle of it so I would remember.
In the morning I had the piece of paper and I remembered that the dream was about coming into the world; about being born. Each of us (I was not alone, in fact I was among throngs of others) had a guide and we were on a train. But we all had to go, by ourselves, through a passage–a sort of gate–where an individual seemed to be checking us off of some sort of list. It was to this being that I posed my question, “Do we go to find out what we fill?” and his calm reply, “No, to find out what fills it up.”
As I thought about this first thing in the morning when it was still fresh, this understanding came to me: “Do we go to find out who we are?” “No, to find out what moves us.”
I was being given an answer about why we live–why we come into this physical form. At least according to my spirit guides in this dream, I was being told that we are born to FEEL–to discover what in the world, in the whole scheme of things, fills us. So they are saying that life isn’t so much about discovering who we are but, rather, about understanding what affects us, what “moves us.”
I’m not sure, yet, what I’m meant to do with this message, if anything, or why it’s been given. So I’m just going about each day, each moment, endeavoring to be as conscious as possible about what “fills it”– what fills me: The mountain, and stars in a black night sky, sunsets and sunrises, the smell of rain on the air, thunder and lightening, a good cup of coffee, great food, good conversation, walks in nature, laughing, crying, painting, singing, writing to you… these are the things that move me. They are what I’m drawn to. I think, in fact, they are sign posts on my journey guiding me to some destination. Perhaps, as T.S. Eliot wrote, one I have known all along: “We shall never cease from exploration/And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started/And know the place for the first time.” Are these points on my personal map, bringing me round to where I started and, having been filled, a knowing of what matters?
Love to you all,
Wow Jeane. A very very cool dream. Are you positive the word was fill? Did you maybe hear feel? It would be so different. I flashed on a StarTrek of not being filled, but rather filling something larger than we…like drones in the hive, but worshiping our goal. It’s the servant in me! However, I really like your interpretation. I feel like saying “fill ‘er up!” As I have said before, you are a renaissance woman with so many talents. Bringing together the strings of spirit in yourself, and having the ability to share with us is way beyond good. The eye you have for your art seeps over into the photos you share. It is such an upper to visit the High Road Artist just to see the world through your eyes, and the beauty in which you thrive. What a treat dear. Saving your pets and sharing them with us is fun, too. To paraphrase your mother, Jeane brought home anything she needed to save. What is the word for one who cares beyond humanitarian measures, to include animals, plants, and mineral appreciation? Well, that is you dear and we benefit through your eyes. And I will be filled to the brim if I make all the delicious meals you’ve shared and those made by Kim Fox. I have begun planning a future trip to your dream world and I intend to use the blog for my guide…a personal guidebook of northern New Mexico around Truchas, To be filled with art, artists, amazing scenery, interest and adventures and food and history, suggested reading! I intend to talk someone into coming with me and will.just need to rent the right rig to get everywhere! Of course, stopping to you, old friend, will be top on the list. Thanks for all of your sharing, Jeane. Be careful to fill your soul with restful peace. Good health honeybun!. Joy
Thank you Joy. You have always been a huge supporter of anything I do–loyal and loving always. Thank you. I’m certain the word was “fill.” And the meaning seems so clear.