Lately I’ve been particularly aware of the mornings, just after sunrise. Perhaps its because the days have been so hot and our mornings are always cool, especially when we’ve had rain the night before. So I get up early, toss on some clothes and take the boys out for a walk, first thing, on the land grant. It is peaceful almost beyond words. The birds are just waking, their song filling the sky. Bunnies scamper about. I notice tracks of big cats, cougar and bobcat, left in the drying mud from the previous night’s storm, some coyote there as well. The scent of freshness is all around. I fill my lungs with it. And I marvel anew, every single morning, at this blessing of life I am privileged to live. A friend’s nephew has just died and the only thing I can do to honor his life, is to live as fully as I am able, while I still walk on this earth. May his spirit find peace, free of suffering.
Love to you all,
I’ll remember all those in the light this day, especially because of your friends loved one and his new place there. Peace to you this day and always.
Thank you, Grace. Peace to you as well.