I recently became aware of a bird’s nest on my western-facing portal—a very good, safe place for a nest. The parents have been busily working, first sitting on the eggs and now feeding their young. My friend, Kim, who knows a lot about birds, thought they were Flycatchers, so I looked them up and I believe he’s right. To my eye my new roommates appear to be Say’s Phoebe Flycatchers, to be more precise.
I’ve never been around such quiet babies. The nests I’m more accustomed to, barn swallows, have very noisy young, chirping and tweeting until the parents return with food and once again after they’ve gone—their little heads poking out over the edge of the nest all the time. But my new neighbors are silent and hidden, to the point that I worried about them. But then one early morning I saw them, big beaks pointing up to the sky, new fuzzy life showing itself. I wanted to share a picture of that with you but they are very shy and I really didn’t want to disturb them—even for the blog!
Love to you all,
I think you and Kim are right about this being a Say’s phoebe. You’d have confirmation if the adults bob their tails and say “puhweeer.” I believe I remember seeing one hovering over the yard when I was there.
They do definitely bob their tails but I haven’t been able to isolate their call–there are so many birds chattering away up here!