Saturday night I was outside at sunset expecting the Super Moon to rise over Truchas Peaks at any moment. My timing was off, though. It wouldn’t show itself for another forty minutes or so. I stayed outside as the sun was setting, waiting, because I wanted to be sure to get a picture of the Super Moon for you all. Let me take a minute here to thank you for that, because I was tired that night and if it weren’t for you I may not have continued to wait. It ended up being a very special experience.
I was on my bedroom deck at the west side of the house, shooting the sun as it sank lower and lower in the sky, and I heard something in the distance. Listening more carefully, focusing in that direction, I saw something truly beautiful. Several pastures over (too far for my camera to do any good I’m afraid, but close enough for me to enjoy) four large horses, three white and one red, were galloping back and forth across their many acres. They appeared to be running for the sheer joy of it—tails high, manes flying, whinnying; their hooves pounding out a beat against the land, sending a kind of timeless stirring all the way over to where I stood. I was transported back to an ancient time when we, the horses and I, were once more wild. I gasped and then laughed out loud. It was such a privilege to share in the pleasure these massive animals were expressing at being alive.
The sun set, finally, and the lights of Truchas showed themselves.
And then, on the eastern side of the house, the Super Moon rose over the mountain. I dashed to my living room deck and stood there watching a moon as bright as the sun light up the evening sky. The crickets (were they the first of spring?) added their music to an already stunning evening. And above it all, the acequia that moves across my land like a fast-running river, gave its song to the night.
It is hard to adequately express what it is like to live in the silence and beauty of this place I am fortunate to call home. But I hope these photos will give you a bit of the experience. They are my gift to you in gratitude for what you give me.
Love to you all,
This article was useful when looking for:
- https://high-road-artist com/10353/southwest-living/sunset-super-moonrise-in-new-mexico/ (1)
Beautiful…just amazingly beautiful!
It truly was, Carol. I’m glad I was able to share just a bit of the night with you.
Thanks for these beautiful pictures!
So glad you liked them, Annie. It was SUCH a beautiful night!
WOW Thanks for sharing :O) I missed seeing it myself in person here, it was cloudy up skies on Sat night in the San Juans!! And I didn’t hang out all night to try to catch a cloud opening:)
Well, then I’m glad I did!