We’ve had a pretty big event here in our Weigel household today: Skye WENT OUT THE FRONT DOOR!
She’d been used as a bait dog to teach fighting dogs how to kill and was covered with puncture wounds. The vet didn’t know if she could ever have anything like a normal dog’s life but, slowly, she’s been opening more and more to new experiences.
For those of you who don’t know about Skye (see previous posts Night Skye and A Celebration of Skye’s First Year), she came to me over a year ago as a puppy, near death and wild.
I built a large enclosure for my cats so they could have an outdoor experience in spite of the resident pack of about 15 coyotes living in the arroyo next to my house.
Until today, Skye had only ventured into the kitty enclosure. She was curious about the front door. Kelee and I go through it every day for our walks, and Kelee goes in and out all the time, but she never chose to go through it herself.
What made the difference is a neighbor dog who’s come to call every morning lately. She’s watched Kelee go out to play with him and, for about three days now, she’s hovered at the threshold yearning to join them.
Finally, today, she couldn’t take it any more and she burst free. It was so beautiful to watch her run like that—full out. She never could in the kitty enclosure (and now she’s totally sacked, sound asleep and dreaming). Here’s the full event in a sequence of photos and video:
First Steps
So, yet again, Skye is offering us a lesson. I watched her do battle for days with her fear. She wanted to go play with the other dogs, but the house interior and cat enclosure were what she knew. What untold dangers awaited her in that great expanse?
Cautious Exploration
A step over the threshold and her world, as she knew it, would be changed forever. It is so much easier for all of us to stay in what we know, even when our souls are urging us on—often to our true desires. As Mickey Hart, the Grateful Dead drummer, so succinctly put it, “Adventures don’t begin until you get into the forest. That first step is an act of faith.”
Skye fulfilled her own act of faith today and what she gained is tremendous. That’s the real lesson: there is so much of life waiting for us on the other side of our fear, but in order to live it, we have to let go of whatever is holding us back. And that ain’t easy for any of us. But we can do it, as Skye showed us today. Untold mystery and magic, possibly the very reason we were born on this earth, await us there.
Come on, jump in… the water’s fine!
Outdoors is the Best Thing Ever!
And now she’s totally sacked, sound asleep and dreaming.

Love to you all,
I can’t begin to tell you how delighted I am to see this dog run like this with her companions… dog love… actually quite uplifting. Her future, beyond her fear, is bright, as it is for all of us.
Wonderful, isn’t it? I thought you’d like that. And, yes, it’s an amazing place beyond the fear. I look forward to visiting it more and more often and for longer stretches of time. See you on the other side!
Oh, and isn’t the neighbor a funny/sweet thing?
I was just thinking (not uncommon when I read this blog and, I just can’t help it). I suspect Skye’s fear saved her from even more misery than she experienced. Fear has an upside. After all, some aspects of life are pretty scary for all of us, man, woman or beast. The trick is to find some balance between fear and desire. The uplifting thing about Skye’s story is that we see this in action. She has found enough comfort and trust to feel something other than fear and permit herself some of the nobler desires in life: live in a broader world, run with friends and take a nap.
That’s a very good point. Our survival instincts tell us when there is danger and the fight or flight mechanism is there for a reason. Skye’s fear served her well in a very bad life where there was nothing but pain, suffering and cruelty. She can’t just flip a switch now that her life is better. Nothing in her previous experience taught her anything about trust or comfort, for that matter. It’s all new territory and, I agree, it’s wonderful to get to watch her in process–growth illustrated, as I recently said to a friend.
So glad you find the blog thought-provoking. What a lovely compliment.
My compliments to the artist at work and her mission. “All things noble are as difficult as they are rare.” (Leibniz… I think). Keep up the good work… and the faith.
Thanks Craig!
Ilove it so PROUD OF YOU SKYE, YAY woo hoo.!!!
love you j
I told her and she’s grinning from ear to ear 🙂
What a beautiful story…and a beautiful dog. It’s so wonderful to find lessons from animals and in all around us. Thank you for posting the pictures and video. Congratulations to Skye!
Yes, it’s my pleasure to be here to take the pictures. Congratulations to Skye indeed! It seems that venturing out the front door is increasing her confidence in all other aspects of her life–so wonderful to see. Thanks for reading and letting us know you liked the story. I have a feeling there will be many more about this lovely little girl so stay tuned!
Congradulations Skye for concouring your fear and making a new friend to play with!!!! Jeane I loved how you did this post for I felt a warmth in my heart by seeing the step by step photo’s like I was right there! My husband and I watched the vedio with laughter at seeing how free she was running around having fun play time and like my husband mentioned: she really needs and has plenty of space to run around in. What a lucky dog to have you as a part of his family; and Kylee too. =)
It’s so sweet how many comments are being addressed directly to Skye! People are really drawn to my little angel, and for good reason (I’m calling her a “star” now). I’m just beginning to use video and was so happy to be able to show you all her exuberation that day! She made me laugh too. Soon I’ll be learning how to upload videos without having to compress them so the quality will be greatly improved. But the dogs’ message came across loud and clear, quality or no quality. There will be more stories on this little girl, you can be sure of that! Thanks for your sweet comments.
You’re welcome for she is a beautiful dog!!!!!! =)
I would have to agree. That she is!
That was wonderful!! Thank you Skye for your bravery at greeting fear and your joy. Both emotions are excitement just in different costumes it would seem…
Jeane it is because you have presented her with such respect and dignity that we know Skye as the spirit she is and feel we can talk to her. What a wonderful steward you are my dear:)
I was struck by imagining what it would be like to have been her….for just a second it takes is all…the life she had before she showed up in your home was torment for her, then easing into trusting the love and support you afforded her in a calm and safe environment – that was a huge shift. THEN to have the desire and confidence to step out side the safe cocoon and PLAY with the glee and joy that was always hers held in grace for her to heal and find…so lovely.
It really truly is lovely. It’s a constant joy and privilege to be a part of her healing path. She helps me with my own journey–always presenting that absolute glee in the moment (unless something scares her and she scampers under the bed–as a matter of fact that’s not entirely foreign territory for me)! The teachers present themselves when we’re ready for the lesson. Skye and Kelee have been master teachers. XO J
Fleeing under the bed is as good a place to be as anywhere else I reckon:) It’s all good.
Yes, and she has a carefully selected menagerie of stuffed animals under there too. I’ll clean them out from time to time and then next time I look she has the whole crew back under there–just the nice plump ones, not those she’s torn the stuffing out of.
What a treat to see the video of the joyous romp the three kindred spirits had together! Well done good friend, and good dogs! Made me want to run along with them, HA, like I could keep up. Thanks again…and I look forward to your newsletter! When will you have time to paint? Lovejoy
The three of them were out for over an hour this morning and Skye was running the whole time. It’s still just a joyous sight to see! It has been busy! But I’m finding a good balance between writing and painting–the two support each other. And I’ve delivered 14 new paintings to Bill now so I’m feeling in pretty good shape, although he still needs more and I also need to paint for Anna and my gallery, so….
Thank you so much for picking up Skye’s (and Kelee’s) story! I agree that Skye is a “very brave little doggie” and it is truly wonderful to get to be a part of this girl’s grand recovery. I loved your saying, “… and as is the case with this particular pooch, it seems to be more good news!” I know it doesn’t happen like this all the time and it’s great when we get to celebrate the successes. Thank you so much for sharing in Skye’s most excellent adventure. I think we both suspect there’s more good news yet to come from this particular pooch.