As promised, Anna (previous post The Old Adobe Church, the Wolf and Survival) and I headed down the mountain once again to take you on a short tour of Santa Fe galleries (see the first gallery tour in the previous post Gallery Hopping In Santa Fe).
We started our day downtown at Evoke Contemporary because it’s simply one of our favorites. Find more about Evoke at
Then we went round the corner to see what Skotia was up to. See
Just walking down the street in Santa Fe is an art tour all its own. Everywhere you turn there are beautiful old adobe structures.
So we enjoyed our short stroll from Skotia over to one of the LewAllen Galleries (their other gallery is at the Rail Yard—we’ll visit there soon, I promise). Lots about LewAllen at
But the real highlight of our day turned out to be a visit to the Jane Sauer Gallery on Canyon Road (
As luck would have it, Jorden Nye, the Gallery Manager, was there and he gave us a significant amount of his time taking us through the gallery artist by artist. Anna knows Jorden and he is a good friend of Bill Franke’s who owns Hand Artes Gallery in Truchas, but I was meeting him for the first time.

Jorden is passionate about art and artists and has spent a lot of his adult life collecting. He says his work at the gallery is a labor of love.
It shows. It was a privilege to hear about each artist’s process from someone who really knows and deeply cares.
While the work was beautiful and caught my attention on its own, learning about it from Jorden made it come alive in ways I would only expect from talking with the artists themselves.
I hope those of you reading this post will have a chance to come to Santa Fe and visit the gallery in person. Trust me, it’s a wonderful and enriching experience.
Anna and I had intended to go to the Rail Yard District after Canyon Road to visit more galleries but we both agreed anything would be a let down after the time spent with Jorden. So we went to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods and headed back up the mountain. But we promise to get back to Santa Fe soon. We want to take you to the Rail Yard and Site Santa Fe, as well as visit the Farmer’s Market and Flea Market. There will be other days, other adventures.
Until then, love to you all,
P.S. This is how I spent March 8th. Nice to have you with me.
I so enjoyed reading your recent blog. As the owner of Jane Sauer Gallery, I want to thank you for the wonderful words about our gallery and staff. Jorden is everything you described as a gallery manager plus more. He has a first class art collection of his own which has been purchased consistently and many times with time payments. He has sat on both sides of the fence and understands the ingredients for a good collection. The rest of my staff are equally proficient at and dedicated to their jobs. I know how fortunate I am. You captured the essence of what we strive for with the public and told the story with a perfect selection of pictures to amplify your words.
Jane Sauer
Ms. Sauer–I’m so pleased you feel the piece represents your gallery well. It’s what I strive for. I look forward to meeting the other members of your staff on subsequent visits. While I agree you are fortunate to have such a dedicated group of people representing you and the gallery, I believe they must be a reflection of you. A cohesive whole like this doesn’t happen by accident as I know you know. You have created an artful environment that draws good people. Congratulations to all of you for a lovely gallery–benefitting your artists and the public equally.
I am a friend of Jorden’s; my first crippler; and I mean that in a good way. He took care of me as a new executive in the federal government. He’s very, very good and you are fortunate to have him. Jorden introduced me to fine art, and your gallery has his touch. It is quite amazing!
I am recently retired and starting a new career. I mention his name often as a factor in my success up to now. Take care of my friend!!!
Robert Buggs
Washington, DC
Hello Robert–I just wanted you to know that Jane Sauer will likely not get a notification of your comment to her. I’m sure you could reach her through the gallery website though.
Best of luck in your new career!
I’m surprised and reassured by the amount and quality of the figurative work… and the still life, too. Thanks for the big post card, Jeane… t
And I realized after the fact how many shots I didn’t get–there is so much more! Those first three paintings at Evoke are just a teaser for a show that’s opening soon. I forget the artist’s name (how TERRIBLE!) but these are all self portraits of her eating. The title of the show is “Full”. I LOVE that! It so goes against the “thin” message we women are supposed to embrace. Anyway, I’ll need to get down there to take pics of that. But I’m glad you liked the postcard. Thanks for letting me know.
I also enjoyed the artwork of the self portraits of the lady eating!!! I at first thought they were photographs, such intricate work, and to be able to paint like that is amazing!!! I could only dream to paint that intricately! AMAZING! I as well love the title and what it represents. I would love to see more of this artists artwork. Thank you so much for the tours, am looking forward to many more! =) Cin
Thanks Cindy–I will make a point of getting down to Evoke when “Full” is hung and will do a post on it. Not only is this woman an accomplished painter, I think her sense of humor and whimsey take the work from simply a demonstration of amazing technical skill to great art.
I would love it if you were to fo to the show and then post it! Love her work! I agree with you about how her sense of humor and whimsey takes her art from simply a demonstration of her amazing technical skill to great art. Not just great art to look at but you get something, rather walk away with something out of it too! That’s Art!!!! =)
I will make a point of going down to see “FULL” and document it for the blog. It doesn’t hang until May 6th though so we’ll have to be patient. You can see a few more of her pieces on Evoke’s website… Until May!
Just a note to say “Thank You!” and yes we’ll have to be very patient until May; can’t wait…well until then!!!! =)
I just went on Evoke’s website (something I should have done earlier) and found the artist’s name who is painting the show “Full”. It is Lee Price. The show opens May 6th and hangs through May 31st.
Great entry. We felt we walked with you through wonderful galleries.
I couldn’t receive a nicer compliment. Thank you! Glad you could come along.
Awesome Awesome Awesome:) I enjoyed the tour with you, and wished I was there myself!!
You took amazing photos of amazing art….Thank you Jeane:)
My pleasure, Grace, literally. One of these days you WILL be taking the tour with me. Until then, I’m glad you’re journeying with me in this way.
Hey Jeane
What a wonderful journey that was. I immensely enjoyed the tour of the different Galleries. Wonderful work. I enjoyed all the paintings. Particularly the ones of the figures, angelic pieces of faces and vivid colours.
Absolutely lovely! Thank you for taking the time to put them up to share!
I can feel that you do it because you love it.
Hi Jhana–I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you! I do do it because I love it. Looking at this post again makes me realize it’s time that Anna and I got back down to Santa Fe, to the Rail Yard this time, for another gallery stroll. Thanks for reminding me.