Let me start by saying, right up front, it’s very hard to get decent photos of Skye. She’s uncomfortable with attention focused on her and that includes a camera. I even tried to get shots of her running around in the kitty enclosure, through a closed door, but she saw me and stopped. I still wanted to make some sort of tribute to her because what she has accomplished in one year’s time is nothing short of a miracle and I feel it deserves to be marked.
One year ago Skye came, literally, in from the cold. I found her running along the road, into an arroyo, after a major snowstorm. She was a puppy, approximately 2 1/2 months old, wild, starving and freezing to death. She was covered with puncture wounds. The vet figured she’d been used as a bait dog to teach fighting dogs how to kill. Her prognosis for anything like a normal dog’s life was not good.
Above is the first picture I took of her about a month after she came to stay. She’d done nothing but eat, sleep and drink since her arrival so she’s chubby here. She was still isolated in the mudroom because she was terrified of me and the other animals. Although I’d made her a comfy bed of clean blankets and fleece, she always went back to this dirty old bin, so I put a blanket in it for her. I think she preferred the high walls, poor dear.
Above are photos of her very first day venturing outside. The mudroom is connected to the kitty enclosure so she had in and out access through a kitty door. My cats were quite gracious about giving up their outdoor privileges. I’d rescued animals before and they knew the drill: The rescued animals were always put in the mudroom and the cats lost their ability to go outside. By this time I was carrying her upstairs every night to sit on my lap for short stretches of time. It was more torture for her than pleasure, but I knew I had to do it if she was ever going to get to come out of that room.
Eventually the day came to give Skye the choice of leaving the mudroom. I opened the door and she didn’t come out for hours. My perfect animal angels gave her all the room and respect she needed. Much as they wanted their mudroom back, they didn’t enter her space. I took no photos that first day or over the first few weeks. She was terribly insecure. But eventually I brought the camera out and snapped a few of her initial efforts at joining the family.
Little by little she became part of the family. She fell for Kelee first and they became inseparable (see previous post, Night Skye). She gained more and more confidence, took us all on as family and even started to PLAY. The house and kitty enclosure were hers, but she still was too scared to venture out the front door.

And then we arrive at today—her first anniversary of coming to live with us. There was fresh snow this morning and little Skye dove out the kitty door with gusto and started to romp and race in the new white stuff.
It was almost as though she was celebrating this anniversary but, truth be told, every day seems to be a celebration for Skye. I grabbed my camera and here’s where she caught me and stopped in her tracks.
I celebrate this day not only because this one particular dog survived and has found a life, but because Skye is an example of life’s yearning unto itself—of life’s indomitable spirit.
I think this kind of endurance and healing needs to be acknowledged. Because the fact is we all have it in us—the ability to come through something so painful there’s no knowing whether we will survive it. And yet we can and we do. And we don’t just survive. Sometimes we thrive.
Skye is a reminder to me, every day, that my happiness is a choice, one I make moment to moment. It’s often hard work to heal old wounds. It wasn’t easy for Skye. But we get to choose—bitterness or forgiveness; joy or sorrow; fear or trust; life or a living death. Let’s choose wisely.
Love to you all,
Happy anniversary to Skye from the llano boys.
She sends her thanks.
I will sleep better tonight
What a perfect reply. Thank you Tom.
In celebration of life, friends, security, and–most importantly–the gift of knowing what it feels like to be loved…every day. I will always remember that little girl sneaking up behind me, making sure I wasn’t looking, and licking my hand.
Thank you Skye.
That’s her exactly! In so few words you’ve expressed her spirit perfectly. Thank you!
I am lost for words……..
I loved (love) the journey……..
You are a good soul………….
Sending this to Mandy who will relish it as much as I did
Dare I say…….”YOU ROCK”!!
Thanks Ginny. We just do what’s in front of us to do, right? This little girl presented herself to me and she’s been a blessing ever since.
Is there a little “Rottie” in Skye? Mandy lost her 11 year old Rottie, Duke, several months ago…..was a sweetie he was too.
Originally the vet thought she was miniature doberman and heeler mix, but she was also not supposed to surpass 25 pounds. At 55 pounds we may need to rethink the parentage. A friend thinks one parent was a Rottie/Pitbull mix and the other a heeler. I think that’s right on.
Jeane, I adore the photo of Kelee looking in thru the window pane from the Kitty Run, with Skye in the background. Great composition! Good pose by the pups! It makes me smile!
Yeah, I loved Kelee looking in. My favorite is Skye streaking through the enclosure and I also like the one with her stuffed animal and her tail in the air wagging. Are you all settled in at the kids’? Your painting is progressing.
Yes, sometimes. I’m sure blessed with a wonderful animal family. Sometimes I don’t know what I’d do without them.
We’re all so blessed and blessings one and all. Well, yes we are all one:) Each opportunity we accept to realize this and hold out our hand in compassion and adoration we are closer to “one”. Thanks for sharing your lovely family there in your oasis. From my <3 to yours, adoration.
Yes, I agree. As we each embrace life as Skye has done, as I have done, as you have done, we each make it more sumptuous for the other. There is no act of love or forgiveness, or ugliness for that matter, that is not shared the moment we express it. You are one of my guides to the light. Skye is another. She IS a DOLL, isn’t she? (Thanks for explaining the heart 🙂 )
huh, hearts do not compute on this format…lol <3 that was supposed to be heart of course:)
Yes animals do know us better than humans do. I was given for free my little “Raider” or I like to call him babycakes also, during a sad time in my life and let me tell you it was such a blessing to have him. During this time I did a lot of crying and Raider was there every time to lick my tears and let me hug him constantly for long periods of time. Not once did he complain and to this day when ever I cry he comes running to me and jumping on me to hold him so that he can comfort me, lick my tears, and hold him till I feel better. Animals are remarkable companians to have as a part of your family! I couldn’t imagine Raider not in my life; he is like one of my kids! I thank God for bringing him into my life at that time of need!
Jeane I think it is so remarkable of you for rescuing Skye and making her a part of your family! It takes a lot of patience, love, and a big heart to do what you did! I command you for this!
I’m glad you had Raider (babycakes) during that difficult time, too. Animals are great with unconditional love, something we humans seems to struggle with. They also show us how to throw ourselves into life, full on. They’re little angels that are packed with lessons and examples for us!
I don’t think I’m remarkable. There was a puppy in great need who happened to cross my path. I did what we do when we see someone in trouble: I extended a hand. Skye did all the rest.
You did the first important part so you ARE remarkable for you gave that puppy a home where others may of just taken it to a vet and kept it there. It is a big risk to take in a wild animal like that so I commend you for that too. Skye was lucky to have you cross her path that day so all in all you are remarkable to me in all those aspects. So take the compliment, Okay? LOL =) =) Skye wouldn’t of been able to do the rest without the start from you.
Well, there was never any question. I told her that first night that if she came through this she would have a home with me. I just knew in my heart she was mine. I couldn’t even get her to the vet at first. She was too terrified to touch, let alone pick her up and put her in the car and drive her down the mountain. So I did what I could do until she at least knew me as someone who fed her regularly, before I put her through that trauma. Also, I had fairly recently lost one of my animal family so I had a “space” for Skye. I tell her almost every day how grateful I am that I found her and she found me.
OK, I’m always asking others to look at their stuff. You noticed I don’t easily receive compliments. So, OK, thank you 🙂
Your welcome! =) I’m not good at compliments either…I have to remind myself okay that was a compliment…so just say “Thank You”. Didn’t have very many compliments while growing up as a foster child, just a lot of complaints! Takes awhile to learn to take compliments as true compliments. =)
That is a wonderful warm story about the two of you! Thanks for sharing it.
What a beautiful, human bonding-to-animal story. Your grace and love have a welcome place in this world.
Thank you, Julia. It’s so easy to love this amazing little dog. Her second-year anniversary is coming up this February and she has made such great progress. Watch for an update of her story then.
you are amazing and your pack is beautiful. thank you for rescuing and looking after these wonderful souls.
Thank you, Loadie. It sounds like you have some experience with rescuing animals, too. So you know that, as I look after them, they, in turn, look after me.
I don’t know how I missed this story, but it was a wonderful start for the new year!
BTW…I don’t think I’d seen such a clear full frontal photo of Skye. She is a very lovely girl!!!!
I’m glad you enjoyed it Kim. Skye’s story is inspiring. And, I agree with you (through my mother’s eyes), my little darling is a particularly pretty girl!