I left a very good friend in Seattle. I was telling Kim about her the other night, saying that she is one of the brightest people I know and that she is also very funny. She makes me laugh out loud, even in emails. She also has exceptionally good taste. I miss her, can you tell? Her name is Jane Perovich and one of the reasons she came up was that we were making her truly delicious Sole Piccata. While I used to make this dish all the time, I hadn’t made it in years and years. It is so good and incredibly easy, that I highly recommend it to you all.
Jane’s Sole Piccata
1/2 c flour
1/2 tsp basil
1/4 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp dill
salt and pepper
1 lb fish (snapper or bass is great too)
4 T butter
2 cloves garlic, minced
Juice of 2 lemons
1 T capers
Combine flour and spices and dust the fish lightly (just shake it up in a plastic bag).
Melt the butter in a skillet, allowing it to brown a little; add garlic.
Place fillets in pan, cover and cook over medium heat until fish is white on the edges. Turn and add lemon juice and capers. Cover and cook until fish flakes.
Love to you all,
sounds yummy:)
It’s incredibly, surprisingly good… and easy. You should try it.